Malaria Mondays - Adventures in Ghana and Beyond

An account, mostly true, of six months of an American college student's adventures across three continents, fraught with danger, passion, derring-do, beautiful damsels, evil villians...and you get the drift. My semester abroad, for your consideration.

Friday, March 10, 2006

I was having some difficulty entering text into the previous photo spread, so this entry corresponds to the photo entry below; apologies for the inconvenience!

1. The landscape of the Eastern Region between Accra and Kumasi.
2. The grounds of Manhyia Palace, the abode of the Asantehene (chief of the Ashanti people); the royal animal is the peacock, and so several of them roam the lawns and gardens of the palace grounds.
3. We were driving back to our hotel from the palace when we saw, of all things, a GOAT tied to the top of a tro-tro in the next lane! As you can see, we all found this amusing and scrambled to get out our cameras.
4. The main market in Kumasi as seen from the motorway above it; the market is reputed to be the largest in West Africa, and it is indeed massive - th0usands of shop stalls selling anything and everything you can imagine.
5. More striking scenery in the Eastern Region.
6. Out on the boat, right around sunrise.
7. Casting out the net for the first catch of the day.
8. A true salty dog; me shortly after the near-capsizing of the boat - you can still detect a bit of a residual "what on EARTH am I doing out here???" expression on my face.
9. The Ghanaian fishing boat equivalent of the cabin boy; he did random odd jobs around the boat and drummed on the metal capstan in front of him in the picture to provide a rhythm for the fishermen to work to.


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