Malaria Mondays - Adventures in Ghana and Beyond

An account, mostly true, of six months of an American college student's adventures across three continents, fraught with danger, passion, derring-do, beautiful damsels, evil villians...and you get the drift. My semester abroad, for your consideration.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Well, it's Monday...and we all know what that means! It's update time here at MM, and I've got plenty to share!

The past week here in Ghana has been quite an adventure. The week itself was occupied by orientation activities, the most grueling of which was our campus tour. The University of Ghana's Legon campus is rather large, especially for someone used to the small TLU campus. It was also grossly hot and humid, and it was the one day on which I decided to wear long pants...poor choice on my part. I roasted, and the walking churned up enough red dust to coat my light khaki pants in rust-colored powder, so it was an all-around unpleasant time. I also realized mid-way through the day that my attire made me look like a retiree in south Florida, which was the official strike three against the long pants that day. I've seen enough Ghanaians wearing shorts to alleviate my fears about being completely out of place in them here, so I'll be keeping my legs ventilated where socially permissible.

This weekend, our group went to Cape Coast, which is about three hours' drive from Accra toward the Ivory Coast. It was an incredible experience; the sobering realities of the old slaving castle, the gorgeous tropical beaches, the rainforest at Kakum and the magnificent views from the canopy was a great weekend. I'm currently in the middle of registering for class today, so this will stay a brief update - pictures will be put up, and a lot of them, in the next 24-48 hours!


At 24/1/06 04:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear everything is going well in Africa, despite a few scares, etc. I sounds like it's turning out to be quite a learning experience, which is what you wanted, I know, so I hope it continues to be so awesome! I don't have time to write back to your e-mail right now. Too many Beck classes and too many jobs! But I'll send you something soon.


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