Malaria Mondays - Adventures in Ghana and Beyond

An account, mostly true, of six months of an American college student's adventures across three continents, fraught with danger, passion, derring-do, beautiful damsels, evil villians...and you get the drift. My semester abroad, for your consideration.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Welcome to my Ghana-blog - my "Glob" for short. I figured I should probably make an initial, pre-departure entry to introduce myself and my blog.

Chances are that, if you're reading this, you already know me. I'm Kevin, I'm a student at Texas Lutheran, I'm a History and Theology double major, and I'm one of those crazy individuals who has the urge to get up and go see the world. I will be in Ghana (West Africa for the non-geographically inclined; find Nigeria on the map and go west a little bit) for this coming semester, and I am predictably excited about it. I'll have a mini-excursion in the Low Countries on my way to Ghana, and after my semester in Ghana, I've got a grand little adventure from Africa to Europe planned, but more on that later.

I leave for Ghana on Monday, Jan. 9th. I'll be winging my way from Bush Intercontinental in Houston up to Detroit, changing planes, and flying to Amsterdam. I'll have 3 days in Europe to kill, so I'm going to see Amsterdam, go down to Belgium and see Bruges and Brussels, and then go to Cologne before heading back to A-dam. Then, on the 13th....AFRICA.

I'm thrilled at the opportunity to go and do this. I think most of my family and friends think I'm nuts for going to Africa, but for me, it was the best choice. I'll be out of my comfort zone (as much as I hate to use pat little phrases like that...) in a completely foreign culture. It won't be easy, that's for sure, but...I predict a great semester, filled with exciting discoveries about God, life, the world, and myself.

Now, the blog. I plan to update regularly, hopefully at least once a week on Mondays...hence the name of the blog. If I keep my big responsibilities (malaria pill, blog update, etc.) on the same day, I've got a better chance of remembering them all...sometimes, I have to give my memory a little extra help with these things. There will be pictures, accounts of what I've done and learned over the past week, and plenty of fun and exciting stories. No promises made on the "fun" and "exciting," though. For all I know, Ghana could be as exciting as a commuter flight to Buffalo, NY - but I suspect that won't be the case. Feel free to email entries to people if you so desire, and feel free to pass around the link to the blog to anyone interested.

To close out, the picture: this is me with Laura, one of my super-fantastic friends. Until next time!


At 7/1/06 21:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin, I believe you are a freak, as I believe anyone who refers to himself as an "international man of mystery" is. Anyway, I hope you're trip sn't as boring as a trip to Buffalo. I've been there 4 times, and it's not that exciting. Plus, the football team is terrible. Well, I'm going to miss you while you're thousands of miles away, but I'll be sure to blow all my savings to send you wonderful packages of fun stuff. As usual, I've written way too long, and I believe this is my third message to you today, so I'm done. Have an amazing time in Ghana, but don't forget about your lowly younger version. I'll miss you!

At 7/1/06 23:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Kevin!
This is a great Blog and I will be looking forward to reading about all your antics every Monday night or Tuesday morning--depending on the time differences.
As one of your longest online buddies, your presence right here on the IM is going to be sorely missed, so be sure to keep this going strong.
Bon voyage!!!


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